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Get your personalized Wellness Home custom built for your life and needs, see how below with the five basic elements.
CLean Water
Clean Air
Restful Sleep
Natural Energy
Good Nutrition
“DEHYDRATION is the MOTHER of ALL EPIDEMICS and the FIRST STEP we need to take in addressing CHRONIC DISEASE.”
Your body craves the HEALTHIEST WATER possible, the way NATURE intended
Discover pure clean drinking water
Air pollution is the 4th HIGHEST RISK FACTOR for death globally and by far the leading environmental risk factor for disease.”
Discover what living in clean air is all about
Multi-stage HEPA filter. Dust, mold, dander removal.
Traps micro-particles/contaminants
No toxic ozone
Lack of Sleep
•Prevents our brain from making new memories
•Decreases immune efficiency 70%
•Linked to Cancer
•Detrimental to cardiovascular health
Sleep Matters
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls INSUFFICIENT SLEEP a public health epidemic.
GLOBAL EPIDEMIC of sleeplessness. World Health Organization.
Be strong, flexible and active! The Natural Energy products combine exclusive items that support your sense of balance, endurance and mobility.
Fuel your body the Smart Way : Smart Nutrition with whole-food supplements and organic ingredients.
Presented by Randy Rolfe, Author and Nutritionist
Our Current Dietary Environment
Five Key Factors to Longevity
Ten Reasons to take Supplements
What You should look for
The Five Elements for a Wellness Home
Clean Hydrating Water- Clean Purified Air -Restful Sleep- Natural Energy- Proper Nutrition
I have a wellness home & I also incorporated it in my business
Our environment, including what we eat and drink, causes stress and acidity in our bodies which leaves our bodies poorly protected against health challenges. Dr. Otto Warburg, who won the Nobel Prize in cancer discoveries in 1931, said: “No disease, including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment.” Our nikken technologies (water, air, sleep technology, nutrition) allow a Hollistic approach to health and are today, without doubt, an alternative to our way of treating health problems which is moving increasingly towards prevention. It has often been said, “The most successful operation is certainly that which we could have avoided!”
Uyen Pho
"My Secret Weapon"
A few years ago, my doctor suggested I get a Nikken wellness home. My wellness home is my secret weapon to fight stress and feel good. By breathing clean air, sleeping soundly and being hydrated I feel great.
- Kimball Sargent
"Every Home is a Wellness Home"
We have Wellness Home plaques on our three houses! We have added each Nikken technology as soon as it was available, for 3 reasons: Nikken is committed to replicating the life support forces of nature, second, Nikken products are uniquely effective combining multiple technologies, and third, we see again and again how Nikken lowers our stress levels, helps with quick recovery from any mishaps, and helps us feel, act, and look younger than our years!
- Randy Rolfe Author
Order the products you need and start building your Wellness Home
Or Get your entire Wellness Home now.
Use the Free Quote form above or simply click on the Link
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When You Join Nikken for $39.95 US you become eligible to purchase all products at Wholesale plus you can also earn Rebates based on qualifications and this opens the door to the next option. However there are no obligations to do anything other than order your products at Wholesale Costs
Application Fee $39.95 USD
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that pays for your
Wellness Home.
Let me show you what I can do to help you build your own Wellness Home Business.
Simply CLICK on the "We Need To Talk" button to begin the process.
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